If it's easier to forward information to us to report an issue, you can email us, and it will generate a ticket for you automatically.

Contact Information

Online Support Portal



Direct: 214-461-9855 - Option 2

Toll Free: 800-583-TRAC (8722) - Option 2



Shipping Address

(For Return Merchandise Authorizations)

TRACSystems, inc

Attn: Ticket ID #XXXX

4425 Plano Parkway, Unit 301

Carrollton, TX 75010

Browse and search the Knowledgebase area, which we are regularly updating with information that can be helpful when you want to help yourself.

Quickly create a support ticket using the online submission form, a streamlined and easy-to-use tool.  Then come back to the portal to track and update your tickets, all from one place.

When necessary, our technicians can temporarily connect to your computer or server via LogMeIn® Rescue* and provide Live "hands on" assistance.  If it is determined that a remote session is required, a technician will give you a PIN code and instructions for getting connected.

*LogMeIn® Rescue employs the same security levels used and trusted by major banking institutions with TLS 1.2 transport security and AES-256-bit encryption.

As always, you can call us and talk to a real person - personal, helpful and friendly communication with our customers is our top priority.

Enter Your 6-digit PIN Code:

How We Support You

TRACSYSTEMS provides our clients with multiple ways to contact our technical support team when they are experiencing any type of problem, or simply want to ask us a question.